Friday, January 13, 2012

"What is the Dream Dreaming Me?" (Video)

Please post your comments on this video here.


  1. I really like Proudfoot-Edgar’s explanation and thought it was even more poignant after watching the beautiful ‘Who are you really?’ video. I have had many experiences in which I felt a mystical connection with other beings, with nature, with the stars.

  2. James Fadiman's explanation of what transpersonal psychology includes was concise (and easily understood) and highlighted a crucial piece that's missing from other forms of psychology: the best of people, the genius of human history, or the upper half of human functioning. He explains that transpersonal does take into account neurosis or disturbing behaviors, but it also includes the upper half, which is also a big part of every person. Why not have both when you can with transpersonal? I imagine the belief of transpersonal psychologists that the client has it within him or her to imagine growth and change comes from the psychologists’ recognition of the upper half.
